Providing oral appliances for snoring, sleep apnoea and bruxism is often been described as the most enjoyable and satisfying area in dentistry.
An essential factor in providing oral appliance therapy is having a method for diagnosing your patients with clear treatment recommendations from a sleep physician knowledgeable in dental sleep medicine.
Presented by two leading practitioners in the area of dental sleep medicine, Dr Marcus McMahon, a sleep physician, and Dr Harry Ball, a dentist, this presentation covers the following areas:
- A simple, efficient, validated questionnaire for screening dental patients for sleep apnoea,
- A simple, fast and cost-effective method for organising sleep studies for dental patients who snore or have suspected sleep apnoea,
- Understanding the sleep study. Examples of sleep studies of patients with mild, moderate and severe sleep apnoea will be presented and discussed,
- An effective method for presenting the results of the sleep study to the patient,
- What are the criteria for a follow-up sleep study while using the appliance,
- Which patients need to see a sleep physician at some point in the treatment process, and which patients can you manage yourself,
- How Medicare and Telehealth have enabled simple access of dental patients to sleep, physicians.
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